

Artist's Statement

Growing up, my mom was a buyer. If she couldn't buy it, she couldn't buy it. That's it. My dad, though? My dad was the DIYer. If he couldn't buy it, he'd make it. He split the basement of the apartment we lived in in two: an area for me to play in and his workshop/laundry room. I remember I'd go into "his" side to look at his tools. Power tools, hand tools...I wanted to be able to use them. I loved when he made stuff for the house or for me. The crafty DIY in me I definitely got from him. NO questions about it.

I learned to crochet from my 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Alzugaray. To be honest, in all the years since then I haven't crocheted as much as I could have, but it's a skill I've never forgotten. I've crocheted quite a bit. I can make something on my own as well as follow a pattern. I've crocheted for my home, myself, and for my son. (The tropical climate I live in also has something to do with why I've crocheted so little. LOL)

I don't remember if it was in sixth grade or in seventh grade that I got my first sewing machine, but I remember that in junior high I took a Home Economic class in which one of the semesters we had to sew a pillow. I remember mine was in the shape of an ice cream cone. I loved it. I knew how to sew two pieces of fabric together, but in that Home Ec class I learned how to follow a pattern. I realized then that I really did enjoy sewing. That's why in high school when I had the chance for an elective class, I chose a fashion one. I had my machine at home and I was able to sew in school. In school, I made a dress. I chose the pattern, the fabric, everything. I thought it was so much fun, but I wanted more.

After high school, I looked around for courses near me and signed up for one called "Fashion Creation and Modification". That's where I learned flat patternmaking. I also learned about different fabrics, notions, finishing. From there I sort of branched out on my own. I felt comfortable enough to sew for myself with a bought pattern or one I had made and one day I thought, well if I can make a wedding dress (a simple sheath, but still a wedding dress ;o) ) I can probably make other stuff too. That's when I started sewing handbags for myself (and as gifts) and sewing things for the home.

A little while after that, I was busy with school and work so creating took a long break. After a couple of years, jewelry-making piqued my curiosity. I thought it would be so awesome to make jewelry to go with whatever I sewed. I started with beading, then manipulating craft wire which was popular where I lived. I "discovered" polymer clay while surfing the internet looking for new things to try. Although it took me back to days when I was young playing with Play-Doh, it took me a while to see it as something I actually would use. I kept studying it on my own until I became comfortable enough to start incorporating it into my designs.

Where I'm Supposed To Be

Fast forward to today and things are not what I thought they'd be, but I love it. I'm fortunate enough to say I am a stay-at-home-mom to an awesome child who is the ruler of my life. Although I still struggle with time, I do get a chance to sit and create which is something I have always loved to do.

I'm inspired by my surroundings. By the beautiful dried flower I saw while I was out walking with my king, by the oily puddle we ran through, by the colored glass in the cement walls of the train station...luckily, I'm able to find inspiration just about anywhere.

Creating (be it with polymer clay, wire, resin, fabric, or whatever else I can get my hands on) is very relaxing for me. There are times when things don't come out as I saw them in my head, and I get a little frustrated, but I just keep on going and it still relaxes me. I get lost in my own little world, the only one able to pull me back into reality being my king. It is such a great feeling to get your end result and say "I MADE this."

And just like I enjoy different types of music, books, and TV shows, when it comes to accessories and clothes, my style is also eclectic. I love borrowing from here and there and sometimes I feel that reflects in my designs. I work with a variety of material and I'll borrow from each medium and technique for just one design. I may even use a technique learned in one medium on another. Sometimes I opt for using bright colors, yet other times I may go more neutral. I'll design things that have some symbolism to them, but sometimes I'll just let my hands do work without any thinking.

For me, it’s just about creating something I would like to buy and wear just to feel a little different and feel a little special without feeling guilty that I spent money on myself as a stay-at-home-mom.

Mission Statement

Be it as a business or as a consumer, customer satisfaction has always been important to me. That's why from the moment you visit the N-E-Things website to days after receiving your order, I am here to assist you in any way I can.

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