I hate to admit it but, although I haven't gone since I gave birth, I enjoy Black Friday. I never went as early as some people go, but I've found it to be fun. There's joking around and pleneras and just having a good time while you're in line.
We always get the old 'you'll never find anything coming in at THIS hour', but usually the things we went for were always available. Maybe that's because we don't go in for some particular thing specifically. We'd have a couple of things in mind and go with whatever was available. If nothing was, we'd always find a great Black Friday price on something else. Plus, it's fun watching people do things like cheer when the fake palm trees came out from the store's back storage.
I don't think I'll do Black Friday again, though. Not with a baby in the house. Now I just send my partner out. LOL Now Black Fridays are for our king, not for us or the house. I think I will switch my Black Fridays with Cyber Mondays.
Believe it or not I have never taken advantage of Cyber Monday. I think I tried once, but it was one of those hour sales that had a countdown timer and I would always forget to check. The site didn't tell you what was going on serious sale during the next hour. You had to go in and check, you couldn't really plan ahead.
I'm not sure how I feel about that type of sale, BUT I will be participating in this year's Cyber Monday sale as a consumer and a seller. Yup. That's right. Everything in the N-E-Things Storenvy shop will be on sale with coupon code "NECyber" ALL DAY. And as an extra special special (sorry, I'm watching too much Thomas the Tank), you will receive a gift as a thank you if you order two items or more (check out the product prices $999 to see your gift options).
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