NE Thing for NE One. That's how it started. Something for everyone. This was years ago. Sadly, due to different reasons, it never took off. I loved the name though and it stuck with me always.
I didn't have the funds to launch what I wanted. What was it? Just things that I created: clothes, accessories, etc. My own designs that I would sew or crochet. I had no intention of starting big, or even starting "medium". Its just that things were very tight and work took up a lot of my time. I was never under the impression that I would do NE Things full time. I'm still not. Obviously, like many other designers feel, if it was possible I'd do it full time in a heartbeat, but I've always been realistic. I was happy with it being a just part time thing.
As I mentioned, NE Things didn't launch. Not exactly anyways. I like to dabble in different things just to see what I like and truth is doing one thing over and over bores me. So I like to explore. One of things, which actually I love, was photography. Photography led to Photoshop which led to graphic design. Playing around with that, I made a couple of designs and decided to add them to different articles on Zazzle. Just for fun. Just "to see".
My first sale, I was excited. I remember when I checked in on it, it was from outside of the US. I kept adding the designs on more objects. I never really advertised or anything. I just designed and that was it. After a couple of months my partner asked me about it. I told him about a couple of sales I had. It was funny because I didn't see it as a job. Just as something I was experimenting with. He pointed out that if I took time to design more and spread the word, it was basically what I wanted to do in the beginning.
You know Murphy's Law, right? Well, it held me back for a bit after I received notification of Pro-Seller status. It's nothing big, but for me it was kind of motivating. then I made this one huge sale. Quite a few of the same item from outside of the US. I immediately thought of some hip-hop dance crew. LOL It just gave me that much more of an oomph.
I've continued making designs, but different lines. I did the hip-hop inspired designs and sayings and am working on new designs. Things at home have also settled to something manageable, my one job doesn't kill me, and I have new motivation. I've practiced different mediums to create jewelry and have finally come to a place where I feel comfortable with what I create. Hopefully, within the next month or so, I'll have developed enough items to finally launch NE Things. Not everything at the same time, but at least fun accessory pieces. (I love accessories!)
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