Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Finding motivation can be hard, but harder still?  Finding something your passionate about.  I once asked someone what he was passionate about?  He shrugged.  I thought he thought I was just asking expecting no answer.  So I asked, "No, seriously.  What ARE you passionate about?"  To which he answered "Nothing".  It kind of shocked me.  I thought everyone was passionate about something.  ANYTHING.  But here he was, saying he had nothing to be passionate about.  I thought maybe it wasn't that he didn't have a passion, but that he didn't know what it was.  I gave him a few questions to see if "nothing" was an accurate answer.
  • When you were a kid, what did you love doing?     My dad was a DIYer.  I think I may have gotten that from him.  I loved reading and writing, but I also loved dancing and sewing.  I loved creating, moving around (in the being active sense) and I loved playing teacher.  
  • What do you think you're good at?  What have OTHER people told you you're good at?     I can do different crafts and I think I'm pretty good at them.  Years ago though, I was complimented on some photos I took.  I didn't think much of them.  I took a basic photography class as an elective, passed it, and thought it ended there for me.  A while later I bought a camera (which has been giving me an Error 99 for a while now, so I think it's at its end) for fun.  I took picture for fun.  Not much thought behind them, so when after I got those compliments I thought "Hmm.  There MAY be something here."  I looked into it "to see" and I found that i LOVE photography.  LOVE.  I mean, I have CRIED because of that Error 99 believe it or not.  So, sometimes your passion may be something you don't even know.
  • What do you do that you lose yourself in?  What do you do that you hate stopping?     As you may have noticed from previous posts, I have (had?) a time issue.  Most of the time whenever I sat to work on my pieces and I was interrupted, it would annoy me to no end.  (The exception has always been my king - he can interrupt me forever.)  Once I was baking cupcakes too make as bouquets for Mother's Day gifts.  When I finished I wasn't tired.  I looked at the clock, saw it was 3AM, and suddenly a wave of sleepiness came over me.  LOL  (Yes, I also love baking.  What can I say?  I have many passions.  Some are just a little higher than others.  ;oD )
If you haven't found your passion, why don't you sit for a little while and try to figure it out?

BTW, his passion was music.  To my surprise, he could play the guitar.  Pretty good, too.  Horrible songwriter, though.  I advised him to stick with music and leave the songwriting to others.  
Posted by N-E-Things On 4/08/2014 02:32:00 PM No comments


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