Thursday, April 24, 2014

Have you seen the Wake Up Call for Artists post? In it, there are a lot of excuses to not beginning to create.  Procrastination.  What a killer.  I used to be a victim of it.  Then I realized, procrastinate as much as I wanted, time was going to keep passing and there was nothing I could do to stop it or hit rewind. (I've found myself honestly wishing for that remote control from Click).  I know I'm not the only one.

There are some things you can do to stop that horrible habit.  First, when you create your goals use the SMART method.  Breaking down your goals and setting up a time frame will make your goal easier to work on and give you a sense of urgency.  GET RID OF THAT CELL PHONE!!!  Lately, we've become used to having that phone nearby "just in case".  Really? You know that's not it.  Just like it's a time killer, it's also a reason to procrastinate so get rid of all those distractions!  Separate a space where there is NOTHING you can do BUT work.  Have only things that motivate and inspire you in that space.  Tell someone what you're planning.  Maybe someone close who's done it or someone you know will support you.  I have a Facebook group of about 5 friends.  It was called 2013 Bucket List but recently I changed the group name to Motivation Station.  We share motivational pictures as well as cheer each other on.  You don't need anyone to just "let" you procrastinate.  ;o)  Finally, like that big company says, just do it.

I'll leave you with this video, but after you watch it...NO MORE PROCRASTINATION!!!

Posted by N-E-Things On 4/24/2014 04:34:00 PM No comments


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