Tomorrow is Mother's Day. It'll be my second officially, but my first one didn't really go as I thought, so tomorrow's kind of like a make up for the first.
I don't have anything out of the ordinary planned, but I want to hang out with Little Man. I'm thinking breakfast picnic, lunch, and a movie (Moms Night Out seems hilarious). Do you remember that I'm into bow ties? Just a few hours ago I decided I wanted to make matching bow ties for tomorrow. I wanted to use polymer clay, but everything has been put away (finally) and there was no way I was going to take everything out because nothing was going to be put away after I was done and I want to have a clean house on Mother's Day. I want to do NO CHORES tomorrow. So...I settled for newspaper. I like recycling/reusing and it's fun way to decrease that newspaper pile. ;o)
I don't have any Scrabble tiles and even if I did the bows are too small for the tiles to fit. I was originally thinking "Awesome Son/Mom" or "Rocking Son/Mom", but space was an issue. I settled for "#1 Son/Mom". His is worn normally but I used satin cord on mine so that I can use it as a necklace. I'm not sure if they're going to last long since I did them on the fly, but I hope I can get some action pictures tomorrow. And yes...I foresee more of these being made.
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