Saturday, May 3, 2014

I finally opened up my e-store, my second one actually (can't forget about my digital illustrations).  AND I put most of my crafting stuff away.  I'm just going to take a couple of days to woosah for a bit, but just a bit.  There's still goals to work on.  There's still the technique goals and of course Jack & Justine.  Plus, other ones out of NE-Things (getting fit, anyone?)  But, as I thought about this Weekend Update I realized I hadn't really shared the e-store with you.  If you visited you may have seen a couple of "weird" words (btw, I prefer "different"  LOL) and that the NE-Things fairy has a new outfit.  (Hmmm...I just realized she's nameless.  Maybe make a naming contest? My favorite name gets a gift certificate?  Something to thiunk about.)  I'll take today's post to introduce you to the new e-store and to the Ínarú collection.

Ínarú is the Taino word for "woman" or "spirit of woman".  When I sat to sketch I thought of the word woman and what it stood for.  I took what came to mind and translated it into shapes and forms.  I thought of what colors would I associate with woman in a positive way (obviously I stayed away from red) and I used those in the collection.  Once I had what I wanted to make, I started sorting them out into what they would ultimately become wanting a variety of item types.  In this collection, I didn't create any earrings and I'm not sure why.  Honestly, I just realized I really DO NOT KNOW why I didn't make any earrings.  Reminder:  I owe you guys earrings.  LOL

Ana (Taino for flower) Necklace

Beatheart Keyring/Cell Phone Charm

Bibi (Taino for mother) of Life Keyring/Cell Phone Charm

Ciba (Taino for stone) Ring

Dreamheart Necklace

Flowercut Necklace

Kromme (Afrikaans for curve) Necklace

Raw Ring

Torbellino (Spanish for whirlwind) Necklace

Some of the translations I'm pretty sure about.  Some took some digging.  Why Taino, Afrikaans, and Spanish?  Because it's in my blood.

Posted by N-E-Things On 5/03/2014 03:36:00 PM No comments


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