I finally opened up my
e-store, my second one actually (can't forget about my
digital illustrations). AND I put most of my crafting stuff away. I'm just going to take a couple of days to woosah for a bit, but just a bit. There's still goals to work on. There's still the
technique goals and of course
Jack & Justine. Plus, other ones out of NE-Things (getting fit, anyone?) But, as I thought about this Weekend Update I realized I hadn't really shared the e-store with you. If you visited you may have seen a couple of "weird" words (btw, I prefer "different" LOL) and that the NE-Things fairy has a new outfit. (Hmmm...I just realized she's nameless. Maybe make a naming contest? My favorite name gets a gift certificate? Something to thiunk about.) I'll take today's post to introduce you to the new e-store and to the
Ínarú collection.

Ínarú is the Taino word for "woman" or "spirit of woman". When I sat to sketch I thought of the word woman and what it stood for. I took what came to mind and translated it into shapes and forms. I thought of what colors would I associate with woman in a positive way (obviously I stayed away from red) and I used those in the collection. Once I had what I wanted to make, I started sorting them out into what they would ultimately become wanting a variety of item types. In this collection, I didn't create any earrings and I'm not sure why. Honestly, I just realized I really DO NOT KNOW why I didn't make any earrings. Reminder: I owe you guys earrings. LOL
Some of the translations I'm pretty sure about. Some took some digging. Why Taino, Afrikaans, and Spanish? Because it's in my blood.
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