Thursday, May 8, 2014

I don't know what it is about gift-giving that people go crazy over.  It's one thing if it's one of those secret type of gifts that people do in the workplace or a gift for someone you don't know that well (I remember one Christmas I wanted to give my partner's mom a gift but I had no idea what and he was basically useless).  But if it's someone you know, it shouldn't be that hard.  It's even easier when it comes to Mother's Day.  There is one almost fail-proof way you can find out what she wants.  Ready?  

JUST ASK.  Blew your mind, didn't it? 

If you happen to be stuck on what to give that mom, just ask her.  You may be surprised by her answer.  Maybe she wants to sleep until noon.  You make sure everyone in that household (children and pets) allow her to do that.  Perhaps she wants (gasp!) ALONE TIME.  See.  This one here is hard, but I can help you out.

ALONE TIME does not mean alone with her kids.  It also does not mean alone with YOU.  It means, ALONE.

Some moms want to spend time with their kids.  Again, easy to get.  You have to understand.  A mom isn't just a mom.  (Don't get me wrong this goes for some moms as it does for some dads).  They're probably taking care of a household too.  Making dinner, maybe?  So, maybe during Mother's Day she would like to spend time with her kids and not have to worry about anything else.  What does that mean for you?  Probably dishes, lunch, dinner, getting anyone ready if she wants to take the kids out, etc...possibly everything she does on a normal basis.

You can take this as a given: NO MOTHER WANTS TO DO ANY TYPE OF CLEANING/CHORE ON MOTHER'S DAY.  I wasn't even a mom before I knew that one.  It's obvious.

Earlier I said it was an "almost fail-proof" way to just ask what she wanted for her special day.  It's almost fail-proof, because some moms will say "Nothing" and they really would like a gift.  Now, the work's up to you.  What kind of gift would she like?  Tangible?  Intangible?  If it's intangible you can just use my previous advice as a guide.  If it's tangible, then think about her likes.  What does she enjoy doing?  (ANYTHING that has to do with housekeeping is a BIG no-no).  Reading?  Get her the latest book from her favorite author.  She has them all?  Bookshelf, book lamp, reading light, book ends...there are a LOT of things.  You just need to search.  I did a quick one and found this.  (I need that).  Maybe she loves listening to music.  It's basically the same process, but you have to put in the work.

There's also a special kind of gift that a lot of moms, not all (THIS one definitely doesn't mind), wouldn't mind.  A handmade one.  And no, this isn't a plug nor do I mean go out and buy a handmade one (although you can).  I mean, MAKE her something.  Not crafty?  It's okay.  It's even more special if THE KIDS MAKE HER SOMETHING.  (I think I hear "Oooooh"s).  

You don't really have to worry.  See, some moms really don't mind not getting a present from their husbands/partners on Mother's Day.  It just means they don't have to buy one on Father's Day for them.  Easy.  But, those that DO care about getting one...a thoughtful because they'd like to feel appreciated.  I personally believe this should be done on a regular basis, but with some moms?  At least ONE day of recognition for everything they do is okay with them.

Posted by N-E-Things On 5/08/2014 01:51:00 PM No comments


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