I'm not exactly where I'd like to be as far as my WIPs, so this is going to be a very quick post. I caught up with some things relating to NE-Things, which is great, but I am still behind on some other stuff. The personal matter I will be tending to for some months is not going awful or anything, but it is not going as smoothly as I thought it would either. I have also been so preoccupied that it's almost mid-March and I just realized it's National Craft Month. I am going to play that I knew all along and the Ínarú fixes have all been National Craft Month mini-projects. LOL
Anyways, here is the share I have for today which brings me to ask something: To me, it's a keyring, but I've been told the keyring is the actual splitring you would use to attach this to your keys.
So what do you call it? A keychain, keyring, or keyfob?
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