Saturday, March 29, 2014

I have postponed work on Jack & Justine and added the two pieces in Ínarú that I originally sketched but never made.  They have similar colors, green being the one they all share.  I've also figured out the "ideal" baby nap/mommy work time.  If it doesn't happen, it's counted as half an hour chill time and we continue the day until about 2 hours later when baby nap/mommy work time is a must (mostly to avoid a cranky baby).  If I can't get work in because of some other reason, I work for a little bit after he's gone to sleep for the night and I try to wake up a little earlier the following day.

Besides the update I wanted to share this motivational video I came across.  It can really get to a person, so you've been warned.  ;o)

I told ya'.  Have a great weekend.
Posted by N-E-Things On 3/29/2014 07:22:00 PM No comments


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