Another quick post. The laptop still isn't working right but I was able to work a little on Jack & Justine from the desktop (which is very slow). I played around with the shading. When I was halfway through I realized I wasn't sure if the light came from that angle since I haven't finished the background. But, like always, I'll work around it.
I've been trying to remake the Ínarú pieces, but I haven't really had a chance to sit down and do them. I have intermittent time and I can't really do stop-and-start work. When I sit to create my mind is just going and every time I have to stop, I lose what I was thinking. I am a list maker. I write down just about everything, but when it comes time to create I just can't write. I just...create. I don't know if you know what I mean. I just get into my own little colorful eclectic world and if I'm pulled out abruptly while those gears are turning, forget it. It's lost. I decided to set out everything I'll be using and when I can sit for a couple of hours, I will. I just really hope it's before the end of the month. I feel like I'm not keeping up with my vision board. Send positive vibes my way!! =o)
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