Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Since I've had to add to the list of things I have to do, I haven't been able to work on NE-Things as much as I want to.  I've done work mentally of course.  You know: what do I need to do, how I can fix it, no that won't work, how about this, where did I put that?  But to sit and do physical work?  Nope.  Not on Ínarú. Not on Jack & Justine.  And according to my vision board, I am slightly behind.  Considering April is a week away, I am actually VERY far behind.  That's why I had to make a decision.

I am directing my time more towards doing things and less towards talking about doing things.  I'll still share information and/or motivational stuff I come across, but I'm reorganizing (or actually organizing?) myself so that I can really produce and get this line out.  I would love to open up the store in April, but it's all about time.  In my schedule I have time carved out, but it hardly ever happens that way.  It gets frustrating, but inside I just feel that I HAVE to do it no matter what.

Gotta keep going no matter what, right?

Posted by N-E-Things On 3/25/2014 09:17:00 PM No comments


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