I created a vision board this year. A vision board is basically a collage of images that represents the kind of life you want. The collage is used as a tool to help you clarify the goals you feel you need to achieve this life. The main thing on my vision board, the thing that I feel I would achieve if I work on the other smaller ones, is Inner Harmony. There are a couple of material things on my board, like a car (tell me what professional pedestrian doesn't want one), but there are things I want to do like make exercise a habit, make Family Outings a monthly thing, send care package, among other things.
One of those things that I included in my vision board is, of course, NE-Things. I want to be able to launch NE-Things. And when I say "launch" I don't mean do some sort of big inaugural event or anything. No, I mean just get my creations out there. Zazzle? It's super cool but I just need to be more on top of it (and obviously Cafepress). But yes, it's one of the things I have on my vision board. I decided to take this goal and break it down. What is it that I need to actually do?
On my vision board I have these pink slips that are categories/projects (such as NE-Things). Branching out from NE-Things I have Zazzle and this blog. You may ask why the blog. Well, I want to share my journey with others so that maybe it can get me moving and not procrastinate so much (Procrastinate is my middle name). Yes, I'm sell aware it hasn't really worked because this is my third try at this, but hey! At least I'm still trying and I'll keep trying until I do it. LOL
Also branching out from my NE-Things category/project is "notebook". This refers to the notebook I sketch my ideas out on. Of course these ideas are things I've written down for quite some time, so I have to look at them and see if I need to update them. Actually, I'd have to see if I even still like them (I change my mind a LOT). It's what I call "baking". I'll design something then I put it away and let it "bake". I'll look at it again in a couple of days or weeks. Sometimes it only takes two days later for me to look at it again and not like something about it. I really have to go through that notebook to check if I still like anything in it.
Another slip branching out is my (future) e-store. I have to do research to figure out what store I'd like to use. I want to keep growing technique-wise, so I also have this section where I want to try a new technique every month. For January, I didn't exactly have a new technique. I usually work with a certain resin. I bought a different kind of resin for a project, but I didn't like how it came out. I'm not sure if it was the resin per se or the technique, but I didn't really like it so I just put it away until I could think of a way to use that new resin. Recently, decided to try it with something that was always a bit of a pain with my regular resin, and I LOVED it. I made a coaster for my partner's birthday. I covered it in resin. I didn't think it was going to level out, but it leveled out perfectly and it gave it a great glossy surface. I didn't have to buff it. I didn't have to recoat it. It was just...it came out awesome right out the door. I jotted that down as being my technique for January. For February, I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I 'm sure I'll come up with something before the last week of the month.
I have the vision board placed where I see it every day and I must say it gives me a kind of motivation to get myself where I want to be. How about you? Do you use a vision board and, if you do, do you feel yourself working towards what it portrays?
Also branching out from my NE-Things category/project is "notebook". This refers to the notebook I sketch my ideas out on. Of course these ideas are things I've written down for quite some time, so I have to look at them and see if I need to update them. Actually, I'd have to see if I even still like them (I change my mind a LOT). It's what I call "baking". I'll design something then I put it away and let it "bake". I'll look at it again in a couple of days or weeks. Sometimes it only takes two days later for me to look at it again and not like something about it. I really have to go through that notebook to check if I still like anything in it.
Another slip branching out is my (future) e-store. I have to do research to figure out what store I'd like to use. I want to keep growing technique-wise, so I also have this section where I want to try a new technique every month. For January, I didn't exactly have a new technique. I usually work with a certain resin. I bought a different kind of resin for a project, but I didn't like how it came out. I'm not sure if it was the resin per se or the technique, but I didn't really like it so I just put it away until I could think of a way to use that new resin. Recently, decided to try it with something that was always a bit of a pain with my regular resin, and I LOVED it. I made a coaster for my partner's birthday. I covered it in resin. I didn't think it was going to level out, but it leveled out perfectly and it gave it a great glossy surface. I didn't have to buff it. I didn't have to recoat it. It was just...it came out awesome right out the door. I jotted that down as being my technique for January. For February, I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I 'm sure I'll come up with something before the last week of the month.
I have the vision board placed where I see it every day and I must say it gives me a kind of motivation to get myself where I want to be. How about you? Do you use a vision board and, if you do, do you feel yourself working towards what it portrays?
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