Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ok.  This is it.  One more go at this.  I did try, but there are so many things that get in the way.  I think mostly it was time.  Like I just had a hard time fitting it in.  I am not the busiest person in the world, mind you.  I just always found others things to do.  Be it for the house or for my family.  I'm not complaining, I just...I wished I had more for ME. 

I decided to organize myself.  I made up a schedule which then I kept changing constantly.  I sat down (a number of times) and put together sort of an "organize yourself" binder with things I do always, things that are done once in a while (like appointments) and goals.  With that, I then created a schedule.  I gave it a test run and just yesterday started making tweaks to it.  Now that my bundle of joy is older and gaining more independence, it's become a little easier.  Mostly I want to do this for him.  I'd just like to show him, that you just can't give up.  Just put things "on pause" if necessary.
I read the Holstee Manifesto a couple of months ago.  I loved it, but I didn't seem to apply it to myself.
Mostly the "If you don't like something, change it." I just found it so hard to pinpoint what it was that I didn't like and then, once I did, how to change it.  There's also the "If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv."  Doesn't really apply to me but it reminds me of Robert Herjavec's "I just don't sleep enough.  But I have never met someone very successful who, at the end of their life, says 'I wish I slept more'."  I decided then that I'd wake up earlier and get started on chores before childcare started and, once he was sleeping, I could do computer work from bed.  Everything else basically revolves around his schedule.  It may not be ideal, but I think I can make it work.  I'll let you know. 
Posted by N-E-Things On 2/01/2014 12:25:00 PM No comments


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