Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On my Weekend Update post I mentioned a new graphic design project I wanted to work on.  I was finally able to put my characters together.  It gave me a little bit of work trying to find clothing I liked for the male character, but so far this is what I have. I'm not really quite sure if this is going to be the end result.  I'm also not quite sure about the colors I'll be using.  But I really like the way they came out. These are Jack and Justine:

Besides coloring it in I have to add a background to it which may be a little more complicated because unlike the other backgrounds I've done before, I want one that has maybe trees and flowers, etc.  I have to decided if I'm going to have a background with quite a few elements to it or if I'm going to have a simple one.  As you can probably tell, I still have a lot of thinking to do.  The background really depends on the characters positions and how they're posing (wow...I just realized they have the same arms positioning - sigh).  Once I have that and the colors then I'll decide which way I'm going as far as the background. I guess I find it easier to create the characters and then the background, than to create a background and then choose the characters that will go on it.

The thing about graphic design is that sometimes I think it's something that I can just sit and come up with quickly, but it just takes me FOREVER.  I'm sitting there for maybe half hour and then I get up.  I sit back down to do a little bit more, then I get back up.  After a couple of days I feel like I've done only a couple of hours of total design work and then when I look at what I've done, it looks like it's only half an hour's work.  LOL. Truthfully, it's because I keep changing things and trying to decide what to do.  It's hard for me to make a choice between two things, so if it's more than two things I have to choose from... don't expect a decision for days.  LOL. I don't know.  I guess that's part of the creating process.  To be completely honest I probably won't have much done for the next post, but hopefully I'll either have added something or tweaked something.  It'd be nice if I can have this done by the end of the month.  More realistically, at least half of it may be done by the end of the month.  It's a pretty big project, but once I have the templates done, the rest should go pretty easy. That's going to be my goal for the end of the month.  Wish me luck!

Posted by N-E-Things On 2/11/2014 02:47:00 PM No comments


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