Saturday, February 8, 2014

So I've been working with the schedule and it's actually been working out pretty well.  Of course, there are days when I have to go out to run an errand or go to an appointment so I can't really stick to the schedule.  When that happens what I do is simply switch that day I went out with that week's Saturday.

I have my schedule set for Monday through Friday.  Sunday is my Lazy Movie Day (or if my partner's home and we decide to go out, it's Family Outing Day.  I decided we should do something different at least once a month, so I chose Sundays because he usually has two Sundays a month off (so far). That results in Saturday being my Makeup Day.  Saturdays are also my Weekend Update Blog Post Day where I'll just follow up on what I've mentioned in previous posts or mention something I'm planning to do later on.  So, yes, as far as my schedule: so far, so good.

Regarding the vision board, I still have not decided what technique I want to try for February but there are a couple of things that I've seen that I want to try.  They aren't exactly techniques, though.  They're material that I've never really used.  I was thinking that if  I can't come up with a new technique to try, I can just use some sort of medium I've never really worked with.  I've seen mixed media artwork but "artwork" is not really something I'm good at and I'm not sure if its something I  may want to try.  BUT, it is something I may fall back on if I can't decide a technique or medium to try, which shouldn't be really hard because there's always something new that I want to try.

Besides that, I have this idea... well, the basics of it, but the idea itself I haven't really fleshed out.  I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to expand on it.  It's graphic design but it's not a fairy.  I'm thinking something along the lines of personified bees.  I'm not quite sure if that's the term.  I've chosen some options for body parts and clothing.  I just have to sit and choose and see how I'm going to put it all together.  That's not going to go right into my Zazzle or CafePress store just yet.  It's just a small part of a larger project.  Hopefully I'll be working on these two creatures during the next couple of days and I'll have something to share with you guys on the next post.

That's about it for this weekend update.  I hope you guys have a great weekend!

Posted by N-E-Things On 2/08/2014 03:30:00 PM No comments


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